On the first Sunday of every month we take the focus for missions. So for each month we select a group to support. We focus on 12 different groups/ministries each month and we support others throughout the year! We understand that the first call of all believers is to go and do. Although not every member of the church is physically able to go out, we all play a part via prayer, finances, or short term trips to assist other missionaries. Each month we will focus on one missionary or group whom we support, we will take a love offering for them and, when available, we will show photos of what your support is accomplishing in the mission field. We keep a container in the back of the sanctuary every service, where we ask you to bring your loose change through out the month or to provide a place to give your donation throughout the month. At the end of each month we will mail them a check. When available we will also show you a report or photos of what your support is doing in the mission field.
Below are just a few of the missionaries we support at this church! We believe in preaching the Word to all people of all nations! This church is called to Indiana, PA; nevertheless, we believe in supporting those who are called to go and are planted in the mission field around the world. Your financial support helps make it possible for us to continue to support these missionaries with your giving. Each month we focus on one of the missionary's we support and send a check for all the donations to their ministry at the end of the month.